WWDC 2019

Let’s forget about the $ 999 block of aluminium for a second and focus on the many cool things Apple introduced at this years World Wide Developers Conference. 

Just like when everything in a sentence before the word “but” can be ignored they managed to sneak SwiftUI in at the very end, in the part we can safely call the “one more thing” section.

This new framework, together with the new Combine framework, is a mashup of Flutter, React Native and RxSwift. This is not where they made glorious progress. The real progress was made in the possibility to learn once, apply everywhere. Since using SwiftUI you will be able to target both tvOS, watchOS, iOS, iPadOS and macOS you no longer need to split the development over different UI frameworks. One shared code base for all targets.

Therefore, on Tribe or Squad level, team descisions will need to revolve more around the features that will match best with each platform. Visual discovery on Tv, quick actions on the watch, more detailed content on Mac. This will make for a fluid and consistent experience between devices. Because we all know Apple users are in it for “the ecosystem”.

Taking shortcuts